GNU ARM Eclipse

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU ARM development

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.4-201310301732 released GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.6-201311220955 released

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins v1.1.5-201311101919 released

The main change is the addition of the STM32F3x template, that generates a fully configurable running sample, based on the original standard peripheral libraries (STM32F30x_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.0 from the archive and STM32F37x_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.0 from

Binary files »

Bugs fixed:

  • [bugs:#62] the (.bss.) was missing in linker scripts; added
  • [bugs:#64] changing the rm command regenerates the makefile
  • [bugs:#63] updating the toolchain settings for multiple configurations at once is now possible (partial solution, fully fixed in 1.1.6).

Other changes since the previous version:

  • the stm32f4 template startup code was rewriten in C and generally improved
  • the stm32f1 template was updated to match the f4 new template style
  • the templates are able to output trace messages via SWO, semihosting output or semihosting debug
  • the .noinit section was added to template linker scripts.