GNU ARM Eclipse

A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU ARM development

Eclipse debugging options

Start Eclipse in debugging mode

To start Eclipse with all tracing messages enabled, add -debug <file> to the command line:

.../ -debug

Alternatively, you can copy the file locally, edit it and point Eclipse to it:

.../ -debug ${HOME}/tmp/debug.options

For convenience, you can also copy into the file as .options Eclipse folder (for example as and start Eclipse without the file name:

.../ -debug

How Eclipse tracing works?

Individual Eclipse plug-ins check various properties to display debugging trace messages.

Default debug values

The properties not defined in the file given to -debug (or in Eclipse .options) default to the values defined in .options files located in each plug-in folder (generally set to false).


# ASTCache debugging

Programatic access

The actual values of the debug options are programatically available via:

String Platform.getDebugOption(String name);


private static final boolean DEBUG = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(Platform.getDebugOption("org.eclipse.cdt.core/debug/ASTCache"));
if (DEBUG) {

A more elaborated solution is to derive the Activator class from ilg.gnumcueclipse.core.AbstractUIActivator and use the isDebugging() method:

if (Activator.getInstance().isDebugging()) {